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Quick Tip! Longer, Thicker, Curled Eyelashes | Puzzle Makeup

Quick Tip! Longer, Thicker, Curled Eyelashes | Puzzle Makeup

The best way to use Mascara is:
1. when you open your Mascara don't pump the brush in and out. that will dry out the Mascara and you won't be able to use it anymore. 
2. when you apply the Mascara apply it to both sides of the upper lashes. make sure that you fully brush them using the body of the brush. this will create:
 A. longer, fuller lashes. 
 B. make them curl better
 C. clean off the excess eye shadow that falls on the lashes during application. 
3. use the head of the Mascara brush and apply it going upwards only on the lashes in the outer corner of the eye to create a cat-eye lash look. 
4. in a dabbing motion apply the Mascara using the body of the brush to your bottom lashes.  
5. if you get a smudge of Mascara on your skin DON'T clean it right away it's going to be a mass. LET IT DRY first and then use dry q-tip or your finger and simply remove the smudge. 
Mascara is also a great product to use as:
A. brow tint/definer to give your eyebrows definition and make them look darker and fuller
B. Eyeliner: you can use a mini brush to apply the color from the Mascara brush to the mini brush, to the eye. also waterproof eyeliner hell yeah!  
 Mascara expiration dates 2 to 3 months after you open the product

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